

Pictured from left to right are Education Committee President Erin Ovsak, Student Ambassador Holly Ovsak, Principal Tom Haire, Breckenridge Mayor Russ Wilson, Capital Campaign Chair Rick Steckler, Capital Campaign Member Sue Nordick, Former Principal Linda Johnson, Teacher Representative Denise Wik, Father Leo Moenkedick, Father Ken Popp, Gast Construction Representative Brandon Cook and Building Committee Randy Stach. 


St. Mary’s held a Groundbreaking Ceremony for their new school on Thursday.

The ceremony featured staff and parish members, students and other local community members.

It began with Principal Tom Haire welcoming everyone and giving a history of the school, which was originally built in 1925, and a prayer from Father Leo Moenkedick.

Mayor Russ Wilson and Breckenridge Public Schools Superintendent Kristie Sullivan spoke about the school’s relationship with the community of Breckenridge.

Former Principal Linda Johnson and Campaign Chair Rick Steckler discussed the process that led to this point and Mrs. Joni Biel led the first and second grade classes as they performed “I’m Gonna Dig” to set up the groundbreaking.

Gast Construction is the general contractor for the construction of the new school.

St. Mary’s students listen to the presentation. 


Principal Tom Haire and Father Leo Moenkedick begin the ceremony. 


The ceremony was well attended by parish and community members. 


Mrs. Joni Biel leads the first and second graders in the song, ‘I’m Gonna Dig’.