
We are unfortunately experiencing a massive surge in Covid-19 cases throughout our county. Today we have 47 new Covid-19 cases to a total of 137 active cases in Richland County. We can also assume based on home testing this number is likely higher. Just two weeks ago on January 6 we “only” had 38 active cases.

Based on new research the CDC and North Dakota Department of Health have changed their isolation and quarantine guidance. North Dakota Department of Health has put together nice flow charts providing guidance on quarantine and isolation which I have attached to this email. If you have questions regarding isolation or quarantine, please call Richland County Health Department at 701-642-7735.

What you can do:

  • Get vaccinated and boosted

o   Find a Vaccination Clinic | North Dakota

  • Social distance
  • Mask
  • Stay home when you’re feeling ill