
(NAFB) – Agriculture and food industry groups welcome the formation of the Coalition of Action on Sustainable Productivity Growth for Food Security and Resource Conservation.

The North American Meat Institute announced that it will join the effort. The Meat Institute expects to announce in November ambitious, data-driven targets to publicly verify progress on the 100 metrics in its sustainability framework.

NAMI President and CEO Julie Anna Potts commented, “our commitments to economic, social, and environmental sustainability place us at the center of solutions for a healthy future.”

The National Milk Producers Federation, in a statement, commented, “We’re ready to do the work needed to advance the pragmatic, forward-looking approach the U.S. has charted throughout the summit’s process.”

American Feed Industry Association President and CEO Constance Cullman commended U.S. leaders at the summit, saying, “They signaled to the world that the U.S. does not intend to turn the clock back on scientific progress, but instead, advocate for modern technologies and practices.”