
The Wahpeton football team announced their award winners for the 2020 football season.

Junior Colin Samuels earned the Burlsworth Character Award, which is a national honor given to college and high school players. It’s named after Brandon Burlsworth, a walk-on football player at Arkansas. The award is based on character, scholastic ability, sportsmanship and morality, living their lives like Burlsworth.

Senior Treyton Link was chosen for the Ernest Beaumont Award, which is based on leadership and ability both athletically and scholastically. The award has been given out since 1945 and is named after Wahpeton graduate and veteran Ernest Beaumont, who was killed in 1944 at the age of 19. It was established by the US Navy 57th Battalion Pre-Flight School in 1945.

Fellow senior Logan Gjerdevig earned the Lance Sannes Award. The award is given to offensive linemen who possess traits of being coachable, a positive attitude and team spirit like Sannes had when he played for WHS and University of Minnesota.

Offensive MVP was junior quarterback Blake Schafer and the MVP on the other side of the ball was safety Caden Kappes. The sophomore was also named Special Teams MVP for his role as kicker, punter and kick and punt returner.

Sophomore running back and safety Beau Arenstein was named Most Improved.

Brett Goltz and McKade Picken shared the Scout Offensive Player of the Year honor and Jacob Berndt was the Scout Defensive Player of the Year.