
The North Dakota Department of Transportation is facilitating a virtual public input meeting on Dec. 7 regarding proposed improvements to the Great Bend Interchange Bridge along I-29.

Replacing the existing bridge deck and performing guardrail improvements are part of the current project on the Great Bend Interchange, or Exit 15.

The meeting will be hosted on the NDDOT website at and the public meetings link is available on their “quick links” tab. It isn’t a live event and will have a pre-recorded presentation and other materials.

Written statements or comments can also be postmarked or emailed by Dec. 22 to Stephen Wirtz at Bridge Division, 608 E. Blvd. Ave. Bismarck, ND, or emailed to Submitters via email are asked to put “Virtual Public Input Meeting” as the subject heading. Wirtz can also be reached for questions at 701-328-2533.